HEIDI LUNABBA AND ILAR GUNILLA PERSSON Washing Line in the Colors of the Rainbow A collaboration project between Heidi Lunabba FIN and Ilar Gunilla Persson SWE. Washing Line – a Friendly Gesture is a community art project where everyone who want to show their support for equal value are invited to hang out washing in the colors of the rainbow, photograph it and share images using the tag #tvattlina . The artists Ilar Gunilla Persson and Heidi Lunabba started the project during Jeppis Pride Festival 25th – 26th of July You might see it as a matter of course to treat everyone equally, but for those who are afraid to face homophobia it can mean a lot to know that you as a friend, neighbor, colleague or relative is sympathetic to HBTIQ – people.Taking part is easy. Pick out clothes or other textiles representing the colors of the rainbow. The fabrics do not need to be one color, it is sufficient that the dominant color is the color that should be represented in your rainbow. The washing line can be in your courtyard, balcony,summerhouse, car, bike or anywhere visible. If you are a business owner, you can hang the washing line in your storefront.Selecting textiles from the cabinet can be seen as a symbolic act that refers to the concept of ”coming out of the closet” but in this case it is simply about showing compassion. To ”come out ” can be an important step for an individual. By ”coming out” as a friendly neighbor or fellow human, you are helping to create a society where it is easier for anyone to dare to live with who you are.We ask you to photograph your washing line and other rainbow washing lines and share the pictures using the tag #tvattlina on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, if you do not use social media or you have a closed account please send the images to rainbowtvattlina@gmail.com. By photographing and sharing images of washing lines in the colors of the rainbow you can participate from anywhere in the world! Read more about the projecT www.tvattlina.com